If you’re running your on Mastodon instance you probably might not have jemalloc active on your Ruby setup. Jemalloc changes the way Ruby allocates memory and saves up RAM. On my 140 users instance RAM usage dropped by 300 MB just by using jemalloc.

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This how-to is based on my previous German how-to for Ubuntu 16.04 Server. Instead of using Spamassassin, Amavis, Pyzor and Razor as well es OpenDKIM, we’ll make use of Rspamd. Rspamd as a modern replacement will reduce the complexity of our setup and let us monitor its state via a web interface. As in earlier versions of my mailserver how-to, I’ll explain most important parts of the system as we install and configure them one after another. You will need basic Linux and command line knowledge to finish this guide. Going through this article will take probably about 45 minutes - depending on your speed and skills.

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In most cases running an own CA (certification authority) is not advisable. But there are exceptions: If you want to secure internal services of your company, using your own CA might be necessary. During my employment at ADITO Software GmbH I created a tool for X.509 certificate management. The root certificate of my tool had to be imported into every PC of the company. Unfortunately there are some pitfalls which I did not expect, but after some research I figured out how to import the new CA to Linux- and Windows PCs and to every major webbrowser.

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Some hobby server admins like the idea to self-host their emails at home. Maybe because they don’t trust common e-mail hosts or they want to have full control over their hardware. Although this sounds reasonable at first, I do not recommend running a mail server at home.

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